GoldMike MK2
Display/48 V LED
The 48V-LED indicates that the phantom power supply is acti-
vated. The 48V-LED will slowly dim before going out to indicate
that it takes some time for residual current to discharge.
VERY IMPORTANT: The connection between microphone
and GoldMikeMK2 should not be disengaged before the LED
is completely dark! To avoid damages, please note also the
phantom power supply usage information on page 11.
Display/Clip LED
The Clip LED shows internal clipping of the GoldMike MK2. To
avoid distorted results the Clip-LED should never illumi-
nate during a recording session (also refer to “About Gain
Adjustments“ on page 10).
Display/Limit LED
The Limit LED shows the activity of the Peak Limiters. The Limiter
threshold can be set to 12 or 18 dBu, and for optimal operation,
should only illuminate in very short intervals. If the LED is illumi-
nating too often even at the 18 dB position, you must reduce the
Gain value (and possibly afterwards, further adjust the output
level) to achieve unobtrusive results—unless, of course, you
really want this effect (also see the chapter „Limiter“ on page
Display/AD OVL LED
This LED is only active when the optional AD converter module
is installed. It displays clipping in the internal AD converter
and illuminates at approximately 0.5 dB before 0 dBfs. This LED
should never illuminate when using the internal or an external
converter. If it does, the output level must be reduced accord-
ingly. For further information on the converter module see page
22, “Optional Digital Output: 24/96 AD converter, model 2376“.
With external converters in use, please always check their
internal clipping displays.
Control Elements