Tascam 788 Musical Instrument User Manual

9 EffectsParameter details
88 TASCAM 788 Digital PortaStudio
Exciter An exciter is an effect which (usually) sub-
tly emphasizes a range of frequencies, making them
sparkle and stand out in the mix.
The multi-effect exciter in the 788 has two parame-
ters that can be set:
Pitch shifter A pitch shifter allows the pitch of a
signal to move up or down to harmonize with the
original signal. The multi-effect pitch shifter in the
788 has three parameters:
Chorus A chorus effect adds a slight doubling
effect to the signal and thickens it. The multi-effect
chorus effect in the 788 has three parameters:
Reverberation (reverb). This is the spacey
effect you get in tunnels, caves, large halls, etc. It
adds a feeling of spaciousness and depth when added
to a signal. The reverb on the 788s multi-effect pro-
cessor has three parameters:
Delay Sometimes referred to as echo, this pro-
vides one or a series of copies of the sound at regular
intervals. There are three parameters that you can set
on the 788s multi-effect delay processor:
Parametric EQ This works to cut or boost a nar-
row part of the signal independently of the channels
EQ settings, and can be used for special effects, etc.
Remember that this multi-effect may be added pre-
or post-EQ, and therefore this may be used to equal-
ize an already-equalized signal! The 788s multi-
effect EQ has three parameters:
Parameter Min. Max. Explanation
FREQUENCY 1.0kHz 10.0kHz
The minimum frequency which is affected by the exciter
DEPTH 0 100
The amount by which the exciter affect the signal
Parameter Min. Max. Explanation
PITCH -12 +12
The amount by which the pitch is shifted expressed in semitones (coarse tuning)
FINE -50 +50
The fine tuning amount, added to the coarse tuning, by which the pitch is shifted
expressed in cents (100 cents = 1 semitone)
The balance between the original dry signal and the shifted (0=dry, 100=all shifted)
Parameter Min. Max. Explanation
RATE 0.1Hz 10.0Hz
The speed of the chorus effect
DEPTH 0 100
The depth (thickness) of the chorus effect
The amount by which the chorus level is applied and passed down the chain
Parameter Min. Max. Explanation
PRE DELAY 0ms 150ms
The time between the original signal and the start of the reverb
HI DAMP 0 10
The amount by which the high frequencies are removed from the reverb (0 is similar to a
bare cave, 10 is similar to a heavily-furnished room)
The amount of reverb relative to the original signal
Parameter Min. Max. Explanation
FB DELAY 0ms 1000ms
The time between repeats of the sound
The level of the repeated sounds (in practical terms, this controls the number of audible
repeatsnote that a high value here may result in runaway feedback, which is
The amount of delay relative to the original signal
Parameter Min. Max. Explanation
The frequency band affected by this effect
GAIN -12dB +12dB
The amount that the selected frequency band is cut or boosted
OUT LEVEL -12dB +12dB
The amount by which the overall signal is cut or boosted.