Tascam 788 Musical Instrument User Manual

9 EffectsParameter details
90 TASCAM 788 Digital PortaStudio
PITCH SHIFTER A pitch shifter, allowing har-
monization of the effected sound with the original
(the pitch shifted sounds may sound a little strange in
characterthis is not a substitute for real harmony
singing, but can be a very effective special effect). A
delay setting provides additional harmonies shift-
ing the pitch by the specified amount on each repeat.
FLANGER A swirling sound, adding depth to the
original sound. At high settings, this can produce a
jet-like swooshing sound. The built-in delay adds
more life to this effect.
PHASER A more gentle effect than the flanger,
which is similar, but a slightly more subtle effect (its
difficult to describe these things in words, sometimes
you just have to try them!).
REVERB + GATE The signal goes through a
reverberator, and the reverb signal is then passed
through a gate, which opens when it is above a given
level (threshold) and closes again after a set time. Try
this with a snare drum sound.
Dynamics processor
When EFFECT 2 is used as a compressor for chan-
nels and the stereo output, the following settings may
be made:
Parameter Min. Max. Explanation
PITCH -12 +12
The amount by which the pitch is shifted expressed in semitones (coarse tuning)
FINE -50 +50
The fine tuning amount, added to the coarse tuning, by which the pitch is shifted
expressed in cents (100 cents = 1 semitone)
FB DELAY 0ms 500ms
The time between repeats
The level of the repeated sounds (in practical terms, this controls the number of audible
repeatsnote that a high value here may result in runaway feedback, which is
Parameter Min. Max. Explanation
RATE 0.1Hz 10.0Hz
The speed of the flanging effect
DEPTH 0 100
The strength of the effect
FB DELAY 0ms 1000ms
The time between repeats
The level of the repeated sounds (in practical terms, this controls the number of audible
repeatsnote that a high value here may result in runaway feedback, which is
Parameter Min. Max. Explanation
RATE 0.1Hz 10.0Hz
The speed of the phasing effect
DEPTH 0 100
The strength of the effect
The way in which the filter works inside the effect. High values produce a wah effect
STEP 4 16
4, 8, 12 or 16 affecting the quality and character of the phase effect.
Parameter Min. Max. Explanation
TYPE Normal Reverse
The reverb can be reversed (i.e. it starts quietly, and gets louder)
The level at which the gate opens to let the sound through
GATE TIME 0ms 3000ms
The time that the gate stays open before the threshold setting starts to take effect
The thickness of the reverblow settings provide a sparse sound, and higher values
make a complex, thicker sound.
Parameter Min. Max. Explanation
The level at which the compressor starts to have an effect
ATTACK 0.1ms 10ms
The speed with which the signal is compressed
RATIO 1.0:1 :1
Expressed as a ratio. 1.0:1, 1.1:1, 1.3:1, 1.6:1, 2.0:1, 2.7:1, 4.0:1, 8.0:1,
:1 1.0:1
means no compression, and
:1 means full compression.
Makes up any volume lost as the result of the compression settings.