Plug-in Voices
64 Reference
Plug-in Voices
By installing an optional Plug-in Board to the 9000Pro, you can gain instant access to a whole new assort-
ment of amazing voices.
Instructions on selecting and playing the Plug-in Voices are given in the Quick Guide on page 42. In the
following section, you'll learn more about how the Plug-in Voices are used and managed, and how they fit
into the 9000Pro's system.
■ Memory Structure of the Plug-in Voices
You learned about the Plug-in Voices and Board Voices in the Quick Guide on page 43. In the illustration below, we'll go into
greater detail about how they are used. This shows various aspects of the Plug-in Manager function, which is used to manage
(save/load) Plug-in Voice data on disk.
The relationship between the devices (Disk, Flash ROM, and Plug-in Board) may seem a little complex; however, the basic prin-
ciples are easy to grasp. One important thing you should remember is that you can work with and manage the voice data from
the 9000Pro itself or from a connected computer. From the 9000Pro, you can edit and manage the voice data in Flash ROM cre-
ated via the Plug-in Custom Voice Creator (page 100). From a computer, you can create and edit voice data directly on the
Board. Also keep in mind that any data in RAM memory is not saved until you specifically save it to disk.
Bulk Send
Flash ROM
All of the parameter settings for one board
can be saved to a single file, which can
then be loaded to the 9000Pro.
PC connected to the
9000Pro, running
XGworks (or XGworks
lite) and the appropriate
Plug-in software for
voice editing.
Plug-in Custom Voice
Board Custom Voice
Native System
Functions in the
Plug-in Manager
Plug-in Board
Board Preset Voice
Board Custom Voice
Native System
Plug-in Custom Voice Creator
(page 100)
Calling up the Board voices directly from the Plug-in Board.
Selecting a Plug-in Voice calls up the corresponding
parameters (such as effect settings, etc.) from 9000Pro
Flash ROM and the corresponding Board Voice from the
Plug-in Board.
Auto Loaded when turning the power ON. Auto Load can be
set via Plug-in setting (page 69)
Board Custom Voice Backup
in the Plug-in Custom Voice Creator function (page 108)
Board Custom
Voice Load (page 66)
Save (page 68)
System Parameter
Load (page 66)
Plug-in Custom
Voice Load
(page 66)
Plug-in Custom Voice Creator
(page 100)