No. Voice Name
Note Range
035 ThumBass C0 - C3 Thumped Bass.
036 RockBass G-1 - C4 Heavy overdrive rock bass sound.
037 SmooBass B-1 - A#3 Expressive synth bass sound with filter control by velocity and “vintage
analog” character.
038 WarmBass B-1 - C4 Warm electric Precision bass sound. Use FC (CC#4) to make sound brighter
or darker.
039 YamaBass A-1 - C4 Yamaha 5-string electric bass with brand new strings and “studio EQ”.
040 Box Bass C0 - C4 Similar to FM synth bass with filter control on MW. Uses resonator for “boxy”
041 BassCab B-1 - G#4 Slightly distorted electric bass with Resonator simulation of speaker cabinet
042 FruitBas C0 - C4 Fruity electric bass sound.
043 AcidBas! B-1 - C5 Bass sound for acid jazz.
044 SqrBass! B-1 - G4 Square wave synth bass.
045 PulsClav A-1 - G5 Synth-Clavinet for funky licks.
046 MogueBas B-1 - C#7 A classic synth bass sound.
047 BoppaBas B-1 - C4 Synth bass with sub-octave undertone.
048 BuzzrBas D0 - E4 FM style, bright and buzzy electronic keyboard bass. For fast tempo trance,
acid, house, and techno style sequenced basslines.
049 MuteHrBs C0 - C5 Upper register bass harmonic sound, with accentuated fingering “pop” similar
to playing muted guitar style with the palm of the picking hand on the bridge.
050 TekBass B-1 - C4 Synth bass with sub-octave undertone.
051 TranzBas C0 - F#4 TB303 style synth bass. For fast tempo trance, acid, house, and techno style
sequenced basslines.
052 Chamlion C0 - B4 Dry Synthbass.
053 ParaSyn A-1 - C4 Strong, up-front synth bass, ideal for 70’s Jazz-Funk. If you like that sort of
054 SteamBas C0 - C#7 Use lots of PB (Embouchure) for finger slides. Gives greater tonal variety.
055 BooBass B-1 - C5 MW controls filter and gives sharper attack.
056 WhelkBas E-1 - C#5 Synth bass. MW controls filter as does velocity.
057 AtackSyn G0 - B4 Synth bass sound with strong attack.
058 Q.Klav A-1 - C#4 Deeply funky clav sound. Try with Phasing on in Chorus section, or alter low
and upper mid with Equaliser in modifier section. Altering the Aural Exciter
parameters will also have a big effect.
059 Sitar! G0 - E4 Simulation of Sitar.
060 India F#0 - C6 Sitar-type ethnic sound.
061 YamSteel A2 - C6 Steel drum-type ethnic sound.
062 StungSt F#0 - B5 FM style, metallic overtone synth. Can use as lead or bass .
063 Mu *** MW brings in noise. CC#13 can be used to modify the character of the noise.
064 Waterphn *** Mysterious percussion instrument. Attack is softened with MW. Squeakiness
(embouchure) on CC#13. Violent SCRAPE sound with AT.
* Aural Exciter® is a registered trademark and is manufactured under license from Aphex Systems, Ltd.