
3.2. Installation Steps 3-3
chmod 7555 files
3 Change the ownership of the distribution files to root:
chown root files
4 Assign a UDP port for AccessBuilder Name Server:
Edit the /etc/services file to add the following entry:
crsecacc 888/udp #AccessBuilder security access
If the UDP port 888 is used by other application, you may assign an unused
UDP port number. Make sure the UdpPort parameter in AccessBuilder is set
to the same number.
5 Run the dbutil program to build the user database. Refer to Section 3 for
further information.
DOS Installation To install from the DOS format diskette, perform the following:
1 Insert the DOS diskette into the floppy drive on your PC.
2 Run ftp to transfer the three distribution files from the diskette to the target
directory on a Sun workstation.
3 Perform steps 4 and 5 as described above.
Launching the
Name Server
1 Invoke the AccessBuilder Name Server program.
a Add the directory where the dbserver resides to the path.
Start the AccessBuilder Name Server program:
# dbserver
The AccessBuilder Name Server logs the user login records in the
dbserver.log file which can be used to monitor the transaction status.
A list of error messages may be found in Appendix B.