12 Total length error (<error code>).
Recommended Action: Call 3COM Technical Support.
13 Current Time length Error (<error code>).
Recommended Action: Call 3COM Technical Support.
14 Incorrect option fields in the packet(<error code>).
Recommended Action: Call 3COM Technical Support.
15 Incorrect option fields not in the packet(<error code>).
Recommended Action: Call 3COM Technical Support.
16 DES decode input length error (<error code>).
Recommended Action: Call 3COM Technical Support.
17 Recoverable software error.
Recommended Action: Call 3COM Technical Support.
18 DES decode input length error (<error code>).
Recommended Action: Call 3COM Technical Support.
19 Wrong Encrypted Key from user <user id>.
Recommended Action: Verify the Name Server has the same password shared by the
20 Inconsistant time stamp (may be a replay request or misconfigured password).
Recommended Action: Verify the Name Server has the same password shared by the
21 Wrong Encrypted New Key from user <user id>.
Recommended Action: None. User has entered an invalid password.
22 Encrypt New Key appeared for Validation Request Packet.
Recommended Action: None. User has requested changing his/her password.
23 Check password configuration.
Recommended Action: Name Server is set to not allow the user to change his/her
own password, and a user has attempted to change his/her password.
24 Time skew in the incoming packet is too large.
Recommended Action: Verify the time setting on AccessBuilders and Name Server
machine is set up correctly.
Number Name Server Log File Error Message