Support from
If you are unable to receive support from your network supplier, technical
support contracts are available from 3Com.
In the U.S. and Canada, call (800) 876-3266 for customer service.
If you are outside the U.S. and Canada, contact your local 3Com sales office
to find your authorized service provider:
Products for Repair
A product sent directly to 3Com for repair must first be assigned a Return
Materials Authorization (RMA) number. A product sent to 3Com without an
RMA number will be returned to the sender unopened, at the sender’s
To obtain an RMA number, call or fax:
Country Telephone Number Country Telephone Number
Australia (Sydney) (61) (2) 959 3020 Mexico (525) 531 0591
(Melbourne) (61) (3) 653 9515 Netherlands (31) (3) 402 55033
Belgium (32) (2) 7164880 Singapore (65) 538 9368
Brazil (55) (11) 241 1571 South Africa (27) (11) 803 7404
Canada (905) 882 9964 Spain (34) (1) 3831700
France (33) (1) 69 86 68 00 Sweden (46) (8) 632 91 00
Germany (49) (89) 6 27 32 0 Taiwan (886) (2) 577 4352
Hong Kong (852) 868 9111 United Arab Emirates (971) (4) 349049
Italy (39) (2) 273 02041 U.K. (44) (1628) 897000
Japan (81) (3) 3345 7251 U.S. (1) (408) 492 1790
Country Telephone Number Fax Number
U.S. and Canada (800) 876 3266, option 2 (408) 764 7120
Europe (44) (1442) 278000 (44) (1442) 236824
Outside Europe, U.S. and Canada (1) (408) 492 1790 (1) (408) 764 7290