4.4. The Main Menu 4-5
The following screen shows the Save User Records menu command and the
contents of the ASCII file containing all the user records.
Backup Database This menu command allows you to backup database into a specified
database name. Since the database includes three related files, this
command eliminates the need to back up three individual files.
Restore Database This menu command allows the you to restore the database from a backup
database. Precaution should be taken with this command, because restore
will overwrite the existing database with the backup database.
***** Save User Record Menu *****
1) Save User Records with User Privilege
2) Save User Records with Admin Privilege
3) Save All User Records
4) Return to Main Menu
Please enter your choice: 3
The contents of ASCII file:
User Name Privilege Callback #
joe (user) 8941801
john (user) 8941812
Total 2 records found
Please enter your choice: 6
Please enter database name for backup: all
Backup database...
Please enter your choice: 7
Please enter database name for restore: all
Restoring database will overwrite existing database.
Do you wish to continue? y/n y
Restore database...