Configuring HWTACACS 231
4 Configuring the TACACS accounting server and related featuresprimary
accountingHWTACACS viewConfiguring the primary accounting server
secondary accountingHWTACACS viewConfiguring the secondary
accounting server
retry stop-accountingHWTACACS viewEnabling stop-accounting packet
retransmission and setting the allowed maximum number of transmission
reset stop-accounting-buffer hwtacacs-schemeHWTACACS viewClearing
the stop-accounting request packets that have no response
5 Configuring the source address for HWTACACS packets sent from NASnas-ip
HWTACACS viewOptional
hwtacacs nas-ipSystem viewRequired
6 Setting the key of the TACACS serverkeyHWTACACS viewConfiguring keys
7 Setting the username format for the TACACS serveruser-name-format
HWTACACS viewConfiguring the format of user name
8 Setting the data flow unit for the TACACS serverdata-flow-formatHWTACACS
viewConfiguring flow traffic unit
9 Setting the timers of the TACACS servertimer response-timeoutHWTACACS
viewSetting the TACACS server response timeout time
timer quietHWTACACS viewSetting the waiting time before the primary
TACACS server resumes the active state
timer realtime-accountingHWTACACS viewSetting the real-time accounting
Pay attention to the following when configuring a TACACS server:
HWTACACS server does not check whether a scheme is being used by users
when changing most of HWTACS attributes, unless you delete the scheme.
By default, the TACACS server has no key.
In the above configuration tasks, creating HWTACACS scheme and configuring
TACACS authentication/authorization server are required; all other tasks are
optional and you can determine whether to perform these configurations as
2.4.2 Creating a HWTACAS Scheme