Configuring GARP/GVRP 65
■ When an Ethernet port registration type is set to normal, the dynamic and
manual creation, registration, and logout of VLAN are allowed on this port.
■ When one trunk port registration type is set to fixed, the system adds the port
to the VLAN if a static VLAN is created on the switch and the trunk port allows
the VLAN passing. GVRP also adds this VLAN item to the local GVRP database,
one link table for GVRP maintenance. However, GVRP cannot learn dynamic
VLAN through this port. The learned dynamic VLAN from other ports of the
local switch will not be able to send statements to the outside through this
■ When an Ethernet port registration type is set to forbidden, all the VLANs
except VLAN1 are logged out and no other VLANs can be created or registered
on this port.
Perform the following configurations in Ethernet port view.
By default, the GVRP registration type is normal.
Displaying and Debugging GVRP
After you set the GVRP registration type, execute the display command in all
views to display the GVRP configuration and to verify the effect of the
Execute the debugging command in user view to debug the configuration of
Example: GVRP Configuration Example
Set network requirements to dynamically register and update VLAN information
among switches.
Table 60 Setting the GVRP Registration Type
Operation Command
Set GVRP registration type gvrp registration { normal | fixed |
forbidden }
Set the GVRP registration type
back to the default setting
undo gvrp registration
Table 61 Displaying and Debugging GVRP
Operation Command
Display GVRP statistics
display gvrp statistics [ interface
interface-list ]
Display GVRP global status
display gvrp status
Enable GVRP packet or event
debugging gvrp { packet | event }
Disable GVRP packet or event
undo debugging gvrp { packet | event }