NTP 287
The above examples synchronized SW77502 by SW77501. Before the
synchronization, the SW77502 is shown in the following status:
[SW77502]display ntp-service status
clock status: unsynchronized
clock stratum: 16
reference clock ID: none
nominal frequency: 100.0000 Hz
actual frequency: 100.0000 Hz
clock precision: 2^17
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 0.00 ms
root dispersion: 0.00 ms
peer dispersion: 0.00 ms
reference time: 00:00:00.000 UTC Jan 1 1900(00000000.00000000)
After the synchronization, SW77502 turns into the following status:
[SW77502]display ntp-service status
clock status: synchronized
clock stratum: 8
reference clock ID: LOCAL(0)
nominal frequency: 100.0000 Hz
actual frequency: 100.0000 Hz
clock precision: 2^17
clock offset: 0.0000 ms
root delay: 0.00 ms
root dispersion: 10.94 ms
peer dispersion: 10.00 ms
reference time: 20:54:25.156 UTC Mar 7 2002(C0325201.2811A112)
By this time, SW77502 has been synchronized by SW77501 and is at stratum 3,
higher than SW77501 by 1.