Setting or Deleting an Aggregation Group Descriptor
Perform the following configuration in system view.
By default, an aggregation group has no descriptor.
Note that if you have saved the current configuration with the save command,
the configured manual aggregation groups, static LACP aggregation groups and
corresponding descriptors will be retained when the system reboots. However, the
dynamic LACP groups and descriptors are not retained when the system reboots.
Configuring System Priority
The LACP refers to system IDs in determining if the member ports are selected or
standby one for a dynamic LACP aggregation group. The system ID consists of
two-byte system priority and six-byte system MAC, that is, system ID = system
priority + system MAC. In comparing system IDs, the system first compares system
priority values; if they are equal, then it compares system MAC addresses. The
smaller system ID is considered prior.
Changing system priority may affect the priority levels of member ports, and
further their selected or standby state.
Perform the following configuration in system view.
By default, system priority is 32768.
Configuring Port Priority
The LACP compares system IDs first and then port IDs (if system IDs are the same)
in determining if the member ports are selected or standby ones for a dynamic
LACP aggregation group. If the ports in an aggregation group exceed the port
quantity threshold for that group, the system sets some ports with smaller port IDs
as selected ports and others as standby ports. The port ID consists of two-byte port
priority and two-byte port number, that is, port ID = port priority + port number.
The system first compares port priority values and then port numbers and the
small port ID is considered prior.
Table 42 Set/Delete an Aggregation Group Descriptor
Operation Command
Set aggregation group descriptor link-aggregation group agg-id
description alname
Delete aggregation group descriptor undo link-aggregation group
agg-id description
Table 43 Configure System Priority
Operation Command
Configure system priority lacp system-priority
Restore the default system priority undo lacp system-priority