
Manually Configuring IP Information 39
Setting Up the Switch with IP Information
You are now ready to manually set up the Switch with IP information
using the command line interface.
1 The command line interface login sequence begins as soon as the Switch
detects a connection to its console port.
If the login prompt does not begin immediately, press Return a few times
until it starts.
If you have not logged onto the Switch before, you will be prompted to
enter a new password. 3Com recommends that you change your
password from its default blank setting.
2 At the login and password prompts, enter
admin as your user name and
enter your password at the password prompt (or just press Return if you
have not yet set a password). If you have logged on correctly, the
top-level menu of the command line interface is displayed as shown in
the example in Figure 9.
Figure 9 Example top-level command line interface menu
3 At the Select menu option prompt you can either:
enter the protocol ip basicConfig command. At the Enter
configuration method
prompt enter manual. The screen
prompts you to enter IP information.
enter the gettingStarted command. At the Enter
configuration method
prompt enter manual. The screen
prompts you to enter IP information.
Menu options: -----------3Com OfficeConnect Switch 9------------------------
bridge - Administer bridge-wide parameters
feature - Administer system features
gettingStarted - Basic device configuration
logout - Logout of the Command Line Interface
physicalInterface - Administer physical interfaces
protocol - Administer protocols
security - Administer security
system - Administer system-level functions
trafficManagement - Administer traffic management
Type ? for help.
------------------------------------- (1)------------------------------------
Select menu option: