Configuring Capacity Calculation for Data
3WXM can perform multiple calculations for MAP placement. One is
based on coverage only. Another is based on capacity for data traffic,
using the data capacity parameters. 3WXM compares the results of the
calculations and selects the calculation that results in more MAPs.
1 To calculate MAP placement and configuration based on both coverage
and on capacity, enable Use Capacity Calculation for Data. Otherwise,
click Next.
By default, 3WXM performs only the coverage calculation. If you enable
the Use Capacity Calculation for Data option, 3WXM performs both
2 In the Per Station Throughput list, specify the throughput (combined
transmit and receive) in kilobits per second (Kbps) for a station.
The throughput value cannot exceed the value you selected for the
baseline association rate.
3Com recommends that per-station throughput values do not exceed
1 Mbps for 802.11b technology and 5 Mbps for 802.11a/g technology.
3 In the Expected Station Count list, specify the number of clients you
expect to be in the coverage area.
4 In the Station Oversubscription Ratio list, select the ratio for the average
transmit behavior of the stations.
The station oversubscription ratio is the ratio of active clients compared to
total clients. For example, the ratio 5:1 indicates that, statistically,
20 percent of the clients are active at any given time.
5 Click Next. The Capacity Planning for Voice page appears.