Viewing and Changing Management Settings 193
9 Click Next.
If you selected V1 or V2C in step 7, go to step 10.
If you selected USM in step 7, go to step 12.
10 For SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c, select or create the SNMP community string.
If a community string with access type read-write-notify, read-notify, or
notify-only is already configured, you can select it. Otherwise, you must
create a new one. You also can create a new community string even if
one is already configured.
To create a new SNMP community string:
a If a list of community string is displayed, select Create new
Community and click Next.
b In the Community String box, type the name of the community. The
name can be 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters, with no spaces or tabs.
Community string names are transmitted in clear text.
If you enable SNMP service on the WX, 3Com recommends that you do
not use the well-known strings public (for READ) or private (for WRITE).
These strings are commonly used and can easily be guessed.
c Select the access type.
read-notify—An SNMP management application using the string
can get object values on the switch but cannot set them. The
switch can use the string to send notifications.
notify-only—The switch can use the string to send notifications.
notify-read-write—An SNMP management application using the
string can get and set object values on the switch. The switch can
use the string to send notifications.
11 Click Next and go to step 14.
12 For USM (SNMPv3), select or create the USM user.
If a USM user with access type read-write-notify, read-notify, or
notify-only is already configured, you can select it. Otherwise, you must
create a new one. You also can create a new USM user even if one is
already configured.
To create a new USM user:
a If a list of USM users is displayed, select Create new USM User and
click Next.