Viewing and Configuring VLANs 209
Changing VLAN
A port or port group can be in one or more VLANs. To be in multiple
VLANs, the port or group must have an 802.1Q VLAN tag. A tag is a
numeric value that identifies a virtual port within the VLAN. The same
VLAN can have different tag values on different ports. However, a port
can have only one tag value in a given VLAN. A VLAN can also have
untagged ports. An untagged port can be a member of only one VLAN.
MSS supports the IEEE 802.1Q tag type, described in the IEEE 802.1Q
The tagging capabilities of the WX are flexible. You can assign 802.1Q
tag values on a per-VLAN, per-port basis. The same VLAN can have
different tag values on different ports. In addition, the same tag value can
be used by different VLANs but on different network ports.
If you use a tag value, 3Com recommends that you use the same value as
the VLAN number. MSS does not require the VLAN number and tag value
to be the same, but some other vendors’ devices do.
Do not assign the same VLAN multiple times using different tag values to
the same network port. Although MSS does not prohibit you from doing
so, the configuration is not supported.
1 Access the VLAN table:
a Select the Configuration tool bar option.
b In the Organizer panel, click the plus sign next to the WX switch.
c Click the plus sign next to System.
d Select VLANs.
2 In the Content panel, select the VLAN.
3 In the Task List panel, select Configure VLAN Members.
4 To add a port or port group to the VLAN and remove previous VLAN
membership, select the port or port group and click Move.
To make multiple selections, press Shift (for contiguous items) or
Control (for noncontiguous items) while clicking items.
Only ports configured as network ports are listed. You cannot add MAPs,
Distributed MAPs, or wired authentication ports to a VLAN.
5 To add a port or port group to the VLAN and retain previous VLAN
membership, select the port or port group and click Add.