
link-group acl-number: Activates Layer 2 ACLs. acl-number: Sequence number
of ACL, ranging from 4000 to 4999.
rule rule: Specifies the subitem of an active ACL, ranging from 0 to 65534; if not
specified, all subitems of the ACL will be activated. If only an IP ACL or a Layer 2
ACL is activated, this parameter can be omitted. If both IP and Layer 2 ACLs are
activated at the same time, the
rule parameter cannot be omitted.
target-rate: The set normal traffic, unit in Kbps, the granularity of traffic limit is
64 kbps, if the number input is in ( N*64 <the number input<(N+1)*64), in which
N is a natural number, the Switch automaticaly sets (N+1)*64 as the parameter
value. For 100
Mbps ports, target-rate ranges from 64 to 99968 inclusive; for
Mbps ports, from 64 to 1000000 inclusive.
exceed action: The action taken when the traffic exceeds the threshold. The
action can be:
drop: Drops the packets.
remark-dscp value: Sets new DSCP value.
Use the traffic-limit command, to activate the ACL and perform traffic
limitation. Use the
undo traffic-limit command to remove traffic limitation.
This command performs traffic limitation on the packets that match with a
specified ACL rule, and is only effective with a permit rule.
The granularity of traffic limit is 64 kbps.
You can only remark traffic with a DSCP value. The Switch 4500 does not permit
CoS remarking with this command.
Perform traffic limitation on packets that match the permit rule of ACL 2000. The
target traffic rate is 128 kbps.
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z
[4500]interface Ethernet 1/0/1
[4500-Ethernet1/0/1] traffic-limit inbound ip-group 2000 128
wred Syntax
wred queue-index qstart probability
undo wred queue-index
Ethernet Port View
queue-index: index of output queue, in the range of 0~7.