Logon User’s ACL Control Command 205
v1: V 1 security mode.
v2c: V 2 security mode.
v3: V 3 security mode.
user-name: The user name, ranging from 1 to 32 bytes.
group-name: The corresponding group name of the user, ranging from 1 to 32
authentication-mode: Specifies the security level to "to be authenticated"
md5: Specifies the authentication protocol as HMAC-MD5-96.
sha: Specifies the authentication protocol as HMAC-SHA-96.
auth-password: Authentication password, character string, ranging from 1 to 64
privacy: Specifies the security level as encryption.
des56: Specifies the DES encryption protocol.
priv-password: Encryption password, character string, ranging from 1 to 64
acl acl-number: The number identifier of basic number-based ACLs, ranging
from 2000 to 2999.
local: Local entity user.
engineid: Specifies the engine ID related to the user.
engineid-string: Engine ID character string.
Using the snmp-agent usm-user command, you can add a new user to an SNMP
group, and reference the ACL to perform ACL control to the network
management users by acl acl-number. Using the
undo snmp-agent usm-user
command, you can remove the user from the related SNMP group as well as the
configuration of the ACL control of the user.
Add a user "John" to the SNMP group "Mygroup". Specify the security level to
"to be authenticated", the authentication protocol to HMAC-MD5-96 and the
authentication password to "hello", and reference the ACL 2002 to perform ACL
control to the network management users (basic ACL 2002 has already been
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