FTP Server Configuration Commands 319
[4500]local-user 3Com1
New local user added
[4500-luser-3Com1]password simple 20030422
service-type Syntax
service-type { ftp [ ftp-directory directory ] | lan-access | { ssh |
telnet | terminal }* [ level level ] }
undo service-type { ftp [ ftp-directory ] | lan-access | { ssh |
telnet | terminal }* [ level level ] }
Local user view
telnet: Specifies the user’s service type as Telnet.
ssh: Specifies the user type as SSH.
level level: Specifies the level of Telnet, SSH or terminal users. The argument
level is an integer in the range of 0 to 3 and defaults to 1.
ftp: Specifies the user’s service type as FTP.
ftp-directory directory: Enter an FTP directory, up to 64 characters in length.
lan-access: Specifies user type to lan-access, which mainly refers to Ethernet
accessing users, 802.1x supplicants for example.
terminal: Authorizes the user to use the terminal service (login from the Console,
AUX or Asyn port).
Use the service-type command to configure a service type for a particular user.
Use the undo service-type command to cancel the currently configured service
type for a particular user.
If configuring service types: SSH, Telnet or Terminal:
When you configure a new service type for a user, the system adds the new
service type to the existing one.
You can set user level when you configure a service type. If you set multiple service
types and specify the user levels, then only the last configured user level is valid.
Different service type does not have its individual user level.
You can use either level or service-type command to specify the level for a
local user. If both of these two commands are used, the latest configuration will
take effect.
To configure a service type of LAN access for the user 3Com1, enter the following: