
Log Commands 371
In addition, each information channel has a default record with the module name
“all” and module number as 0xffff0000. However, for different information
channel, the default log, trap and debugging settings in the records may be
different with one another. Use default configuration record if a module does not
have any specific configuration record in the channel.
Configure to enable the log information of STP module in SNMP channel and
allows the output of the information with a level no higher than emergencies.
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[SW4500]info-center source stp channel snmpagent log level
info-center switch-on Syntax
info-center switch-on { unit-id | master | all } [ debugging |
logging | trapping ]*
undo info-center switch-on { unit-id | master | all } [ debugging |
logging | trapping ]*
System view
unit-id: Unit ID of switch.
master: Master switch of Fabric.
all: All switches of Fabric.
debugging: Debugging information.
logging: Log information.
trapping: Trap information.
Use the info-center switch-on command to turn on the information
synchronization switch of the specified switch.
Use the undo info-center switch-on command to turn off the information
synchronization switch of the specified switch.
By default, the debugging information synchronization switch on master unit is
enabled, log information and trap information switches on master unit are
disabled, all information synchronization switches on slave unit are disabled.
Trap buffer trapbuffer
snmp snmpagent
Table 37 Information Channel in Each Output Direction by Default