set dhcp server DNS1 <IP_address>
DNS2 <IP_address>
domain <string>
end_address <IP_address >
hostname <string>
lease <seconds>
mask <IP_address>
router <IP_address>
start_address <IP_address>
WINS1 <IP_address>
WINS2 <IP_address>
Defines the characteristics of the DHCP Server and defines the pool of addresses
that this facility should administer.
set dns cache_size <number>
number_retries <number>
timeout <seconds>
Sets the global parameters for DNS; both the local DNS hosts (list DNS host) and
the remote DNS servers (list DNS servers).
Parameter Description
DNS1 IP address of the primary DNS server that the DHCP server will utilize when
resolving names.
DNS2 IP address of the secondary DNS server that the DHCP server will utilize when
resolving names.
domain Name of the DNS domain we exist in.
end_address Last IP address in the pool of IP addresses that will be handed out through
hostname DNS hostname of this unit.
lease The number of seconds that an IP address will be allocated to a workstation
without having to be renewed.
mask IP network mask that applies to the pool of IP addresses being administered.
router IP address that the workstations should use as their default gateway.
start_address First IP address in the pool of IP addresses that will be handed out through
WINS1 IP address of the primary WINS server that the DHCP server will utilize.
WINS2 IP address of the secondary WINS server that the DHCP server will utilize.
Parameter Description
cache_size Enter the size of the cache. The valid range is from 20-500.
number_retries Number of times the resolve name request will be sent to each Name Server
if the server fails to respond to a request before the timeout period. Default
is 1, valid range is 1-5.