Setting Up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) Tunnel 6-7
Enabling and Disabling a
VPN Tunnel
To enable a VPN, enter the enable tunnel command. To disable a VPN, enter the
disable tunnel command.
Before you attempt to set or change any parameter for a VC, you must first disable
the VC using the DISABLE VC <vc_name> command. If you attempt to set or
change VC values while the VC is enabled, an erroneous error message (telling
you that you must first disable the VC) will display. Whether you disable first or
not, the change will take effect.
Before you attempt to set or change tunnel parameters via the OCR 812 web
configurator, you must first disable the tunnel using the DISABLE TUNNEL
<tunnel_name> command (if you do not follow this procedure, your changes
will not take effect, and no error message will display). You do not need to disable
a tunnel before making changes via the CLI, but it is recommended that you do so
as a matter of good practice.
Displaying VPN Tunnel
You can display a list of the tunnels created on the OCR 812, and their status
(active or inactive) by entering the list tunnels command.
To check the parameters of a tunnel, enter the show tunnel command. To delete
a tunnel, enter the delete tunnel command.
Creating a VPN Tunnel
Using 812 Default Values
To add a VPN tunnel using 812 default values, enter the add tunnel command.
812 VPN tunnel default values are shown in Table 6-1.
When adding a TUNNEL you cannot set the PASSWORD or SEND_PASSWORD in
the ADD TUNNEL command. The default PASSWORD and SEND_PASSWORD will
Table 6-1 Default Tunnel Values (812 ADSL Router)
Parameter Default Value Remarks
INPUT_FILTER no filter
PASSWORD ““ (See Notes below)
SEND_PASSWORD ““ By default, is a duplicate
of the PASSWORD. See
note below.
MTU 1400
SEND_NAME tunnel_name Any name you
give the tunnel in the
ADD TUNNEL command
will be duplicated in the
SEND_NAME by default.