To specify a time zone for NTP, use the following command:
set timezone <timezone_name>
The default time zone is GMT.
To display NTP time zone settings, use the following command:
list timezone
To display NTP settings, use the following command:
show ntp <settings>
To display NTP counter values, use the following command:
show ntp counters
NTP Servers List The following is a partial list of available NTP servers that can be found at the
www.ntp.org web site. For an up-to-date, comprehensive list of all available NTP
servers, please visit www.ntp.org.
NTP Servers
"clock.psu.edu" /* Penn State Univ. */
"clock.tricity.wsu.edu" /* Wash. State Univ. */
"gilbreth.ecn.purdue.edu" /* Purdue Univ. */
"constellation.ecn.uoknor.edu" /* Univ. of Oklahoma */
"harbor.ecn.purdue.edu" /* Purdue Univ. */
"libra.rice.edu" /* Rice Univ. */
"louie.udel.edu" /* Univ. of Delaware */
"molecule.ecn.purdue.edu" /* Purdue Univ. */
"ntp.cox.smu.edu" /* Southern Methodist Univ. */
"ntp.cmr.gov" /* Center for Seismic Studies */
"ntp.ctr.columbia.edu" /* Columbia Univ. */
"ntp.tmc.edu" /* Baylor College of Medicine */
"ntp1.cs.wisc.edu" /* Univ. of Wisconsin */
"ntp0.cornell.edu" /* Cornell Univ. */
"ntp-1.cso.uiuc.edu" /* Univ. of Illinois */
"ntp5.tamu.edu" /* Texas A&M Univ. */
"ntp-1.vt.edu" /* Virginia Tech Computing Center */
"sundial.columbia.edu" /* Columbia Univ. */
"tock.cs.unlv.edu" /* Univ. of Nevada */
"timex.cs.columbia.edu" /* Columbia Univ. */
"wuarchive.wustl.edu" /* Washington Univ. */