DNS 6-29
assigned, the corresponding workstation MAC addresses, and remaining time
before the lease expires.
show dhcp server counters
list dhcp server leases
The DHCP Server configuration is displayed with the show dhcp server settings
Configuring the DHCP
The OCR 812 can relay DHCP requests to up to two Remote Servers.
The OCR 812 DHCP relay can be configured with two Remote Server entries. Each
entry consists of a server IP address, a specified maximum number of hops a
request can take before being discarded, and enable flag.
The following commands are used to configure the entries:
set dhcp mode relay
set dhcp relay server1 <ip address> max_hops <count> enabled [YES | NO]
set dhcp relay server2 <ip address> max_hops <count> enabled [YES | NO]
Monitoring the DHCP
The DHCP relay has one command which displays the configuration and related
counters. Counters include the number of requests transmitted and responses
received from the remote servers.
To show the configuration, use the command:
show dhcp relay
DNS A Domain Name Server (DNS) provides an IP address for a host computer in a
given Domain.
A DNS Proxy receives requests and attempts to find an entry in its local tables, and
if one is not found, forwards the request to a remote server. The remote DNS
Server can be learned dynamically through PPP or can be statically assigned.
The OCR 812’s DNS Proxy enables you to configure remote DNS Servers for specific
Domains. For instance, assume you have two remote sites configured, one to the
Internet and the other to a corporate site which has a domain name of 3com.com.
Two DNS remote servers can be configured, one which uses the corporate site for
3com.com and the other to use the Internet as the default.
The OCR 812’s DNS Proxy also enables you to configure Static Host entries.
The static table is checked first before the DNS request is forwarded on to the
remote server. If the OCR 812 was first booted in DHCP Smart Mode, an entry,
ocrdsl-3com.com, was automatically added to the table which maps to the
OCR 812’s local LAN IP address. This entry was added to simplify access to the
OCR 812.
Remember to save your configuration using the save all command before
rebooting your OCR 812 so that your changes will be written to permanent FLASH