160 | Chapter 9 Enhanced Layer Functionality API Additions
Adds the specified SQL statement to the end of the list of pre-SQL statements
that are applied to the layer.
Pre-SQL statements are executed before Autodesk MapGuide performs a
spatial query. You can use them to further customize your query results. For
more information about applying pre-SQL statements to queries, see “Using
SQL Pass-Through Statements” on page 55.
sql – String representing the SQL statement to add to the end of the list.
boolean – Specifies whether or not the specified SQL statement was success-
fully added to the end of the pre-SQL statement list.
True – Indicates that the SQL statement was successfully added to the end of
the list.
False – Indicates that the SQL statement was not added to the end of the list.
Error Codes
-1 (Busy)
-5 (Security Violation)
-15 (Does not apply)
See Also
getPreSQLStatements, clearPreSQLStatements
clearPreSQLStatements Method
boolean clearPreSQLStatements()
Clears the list of pre-SQL statements that is applied to the layer.