16 | Chapter 2 Improved DWG Support
7 Optionally, select a key table and key column if you want to associate
table data with the geometry on this layer. For more information, see the
topic “About DWG Data Sources” in the Autodesk MapGuide Help.
8 For Filter Type, select either Layer, Query, or Theme.
You can use any of the three filtering methods to specify the geometry
that you want to bring into your map.
If you want to bring in the entire drawing, leave the Layer Name field
9 Click OK.
Note For performance reasons, Autodesk MapGuide does not check the
geometry types of the objects you specify. Therefore, after you have cre-
ated a new layer from selected layers in the DWG, you should double-
check that the objects that have been placed on the layer are what you
Also, be aware that if the query or theme has changed since you authored
your map, the geometry on the layer may not be as expected.
When you are
creating a
layer, make
sure that the
geometry you
are bringing
in consists of