MGDwgDataSources Object | 85
setQueryName Method
boolean setQueryName(String queryName)
Sets the name of the query you want to assign as the DWG filter. It also auto-
matically sets FilterType to a Query Filter (value of 1). For infomation about
FilterType, see “FilterType Property” on page 83.
In DWG layers, you can specify an AutoCAD Map query as a filter for layer
data. Use this method to specify the name of the query to use as the filter.
For information about the query filter type, see “How Queries Work in
Autodesk Map” on page 9.
queryName – String representing the name of the query you want to assign
as the filter.
Return Values
boolean – Specifies whether or not the name of the query has been success-
fully set.
True – Indicates that the query name has been set successfully.
False – Indicates that the query name has not been set.
Error Codes
-1 (Busy)
See Also
getQueryName, QueryName, getQueryCategory, setQueryCategory, Query-