Issue 4 October 2002 113555-233-116
This chapter provides information on connecting and configuring printers that
work with your system and MultiVantage Software.
Connecting printers using TCP/IP
Printers can be connected to the switch using asynchronous TCP/IP links and a
terminal server. This section provides information on connecting adjuncts to the
C-LAN (for MCC1, SCC1, CMC1, and G600 Media Gateways) and providing the
initial administration. For connecting a printer to a G700 Media Gateway, see
Chapter 8, ‘‘Terminal server installation’’ for more information.
Task list
Whether you use an end-to-end TCP/IP configuration, a terminal server or a PC
running RSP, you must complete the following tasks:
■ ‘‘Administering IP node names’’ on page 131.
■ ‘‘Administering IP services’’ on page 132.
■ ‘‘Administering adjunct parameters’’ on page 114.
■ If you are using a terminal server, also complete ‘‘Installing and
administering the terminal server’’ on page 122.
■ If you are using a PC with the Downloadable RSP Tool, complete ‘‘Using
the downloadable reliable session-layer protocol (RSP) tool’’ on page 115.