Issue 4 October 2002
Add 2 pauses in front of the dial string when using cut-through trunks.
Pauses are not required if using ARS.
1. Type change system-parameters maintenance and press
2. For high reliability systems, in the see interchange: field, type daily
and press Enter. This is done in case 1 of the connections between the 2
TN1648B circuit packs is down. This assures that within 24 hours the
working connection is available to report alarms.
3. Type add station number or next and press
4. In the Type field, enter 500 (rotary analog telephone).
5. In the Port field, enter the port number for this line.
6. For high reliability systems, repeat the above steps for the second analog
line. Administer the 2 stations as part of a TEG (terminating extension
a. Type add term-ext-group number or next and press
b. In the Group Extension field, enter the TEG extension number.
c. In the Coverage Path field, enter the coverage path number.
d. Enter the Group Member Assignment station numbers.
e. Press
Enter when finished.
Partner installation
The PARTNER system connects the INADS port to an outgoing central office
(CO) line and is programmed to seize the outside line when INADS seizes an
inside PARTNER station line.
There are 2 types of PARTNER platforms:
■ PARTNER Atlas platforms with U.S. firmware and a wide input power
supply (WIPS) that allows a universal power supply. The Spain platform
conforms to the United States/Atlas platform
■ European platforms that focus on eastern Europe and the United Kingdom
The installation procedure describes the 2 types of PARTNER platforms with or
without power fail transfer.