Data modules and asynchronous data units
94 Issue 4 October 2002
Proceed as follows.
1. Calculate an option-selection value using Table 12, ‘‘Codes for disabling
default settings of the 8400B data module’’. Add up the disabling codes for
all options that you wish to disable.
For example, if you turned off With Telephone, US Companding, Disable
Data Metering Feature, the selection code would be:
1 + 2 + 16 = 19
2. Check the current data-module setting by entering ATS24?.
3. If the current value does not match the selection value you calculated,
enter ATS24=nnn, where nnn is the selection value you calculated.
Configuring the ExpressRoute 1000 data module
You can substitute an ExpressRoute 1000 data module for the 8400B data
module. Both DCP and ISDN-BRI connections are possible. Figure 18 shows
typical connections.
In DC-powered cabinet installations, a 105C Isolator adapter is required
when connecting equipment to a data module.
Disable Data Metering Feature 16
Immediate Speakerphone Activation 32
Automatic Speakerphone Activation 64
Disable Busyout During Local Loopback Test 128
Table 12. Codes for disabling default settings of the 8400B data module
Default setting Disabling code
Continued on next page