Conventions used in this book
Issue 4 October 2002
Systems and circuit packs
■ The word “system” is a general term encompassing all references to an
Avaya media server or gateway running MultiVantage Software.
■ The term “ASAI” is synonymous with the newer CallVisor ASAI.
■ Circuit pack codes (for example, TN780 or TN2182B) are shown with the
minimum acceptable alphabetic suffix (like the “B” in the code TN2182B).
Generally, an alphabetic suffix higher than that shown is also acceptable.
However, not every vintage of either the minimum suffix or a higher suffix
code is necessarily acceptable. A suffix of “P” means that firmware can be
downloaded to that circuit pack.
■ The term “cabinet” refers to the external casing (shell) of an MCC1, SCC1,
CMC1, or G600 Media Gateway. Circuit packs are installed in the cabinet
in a specific carrier (row) and in a specific slot within that carrier.
■ The designation “UUCSSpp” refers to the location (address) of a circuit
pack in cabinet-carrier-slot order. In this address designation, UU is the
cabinet number, C is the carrier letter, SS is the slot number of a specific
circuit pack, and pp (if applicable) is a specific port on the circuit pack. A
sample address for port 4 on a circuit pack on an MCC1 Media Gateway
might look like this: 02A0704.
■ A G700 Media Gateway uses media modules instead of circuit packs. The
media module address is designated as XXXVSpp, where XXX is the
administered number of the G700 Media Gateway, VS is the slot number of
a specific media module location on the G700 Media Gateway, and pp (if
applicable) is a specific port on the media module. The V is not a variable
and needs to be included in the command exactly where shown. A sample
address for port 4 on an MM711 Media Module on a G700 Media Gateway
might look like this: 002V304. An S8300 Media Server, if installed in a
G700 Media Gateway, must be in location V1.
Admonishments in this book have the following meanings:
Draws attention to information that you may find helpful.
Draws attention to information that you must heed.
Denotes possible harm to software, possible loss of data, or possible service