Section 2
Allowable Stresses for vierendeel bending:
• Axial Stress: The allowable axial stress is computed as per
the Chapter E of the AISC specifications. The unsupported
length for column buckling is equal to e.
• Bending Stress: The allowable bending stress is computed
for the top and bottom Tee section as per the Chapter F of
the AISC manual.
The axial stress plus bending stress is computed at the top
and bottom of each tee section. If it is compressive then it is
checked against equations H1-1 and H1-2 of Chapter H of
the AISC manual. If it is tensile then it is checked against
equation H2-1.
Horizontal Shear:
Allowable Shear stress is computed as 0.4 Fy.
Actual Stress: Please refer to pages 4.7-8 and 4.7-9 of the
reference book on welded structures mentioned under Item (a)
Vertical Shear:
Allowable Shear stress is computed as 0.4 Fy.
The actual shear stress is computed at the middle of the web post
Web Post buckling:
Please refer to pages 1202-1207 of the ASCE journal mentioned
under Item (c) earlier.