Section 3
The attributes associated with the surface element, and the sections
of this manual where the information may be obtained, are listed
Attributes Related
Surfaces incidences - 5.13.3
Openings in surfaces - 5.13.3
Local coordinate system for surfaces - 1.6.3
Specifying sections for stress/force output - 5.13.3
Property for surfaces - 5.21.2
Material constants - 5.26.3
Surface loading -
Stress/Force output printing - 5.42
Shear Wall Design - 3.8.2, 5.53
The program implements the provisions of ACI 318-02, except
Chapter 21, for the design of shear walls. It performs in-plane
shear, compression, as well as in-plane and out-of-plane bending
design of reinforcing. The shear wall is modeled by a single or a
combination of Surface elements. The use of the Surface element
enables the designer to treat the entire wall as one entity. It greatly
simplifies the modeling of the wall and adds clarity to the analysis
and design output. The results are presented in the context of the
entire wall rather than individual finite elements thereby allowing
users to quickly locate required information.
The definition of the shear wall starts with specification of the
Surface element(s). The boundary of the wall should include all
corner joints as well as any additional joints required for
connections with other elements of the building, such as beams.
All geometry and material properties must be specified for surface
elements separately from specifications for other element types.
The wall may be loaded indirectly through members/elements
attached to it, or directly by application of nodal or uniformly
distributed loads. All wall elements must be of constant thickness.