Section 5
Notes for SET Z UP
The SET Z UP Command directly influences the values of the
following input:
2) Input for the PERFORM ROTATION Command
The following features of STAAD cannot be used with the SET Z
UP command:
1. Area Load/Floor Load/Oneway Load Generation
2. Automatic Generation of Spring Supports for Mat Foundations
The SET SDAMP command will allow the damping of springs to
be considered in computing the composite modal damping for each
mode in a dynamic solution. This command is not used unless
CDAMP ratios are also entered for the members and elements in
the CONSTANTS command. Composite damping is generally only
used if there are many modes in the dynamic solution and there are
a wide range of damping ratios in the springs / members /
The SET WARP command will allow the I section member end
warping restraint to be considered in calculating the torsional
stiffness rigidity. Full or partial or no warping restraint are
The SET ITERLIM command is for raising the max. iteration
limit above the default of 10 in tension/compression iterations.
Since this iterative procedure will not necessarily converge, this
option of more iterations may not help and should be used with
caution. The minimum iteration limit that may be entered is 3.
After any tension/compression analysis, the output file (.ANL)
should be scanned for warnings of non-convergence. Do not use
results from non-converged cases.