Section 1
Table 1.1 Required properties
Structural Required
Type Properties
TRUSS structure AX
PLANE structure AX, IZ or IY
FLOOR structure IX, IZ or IY
SPACE structure AX, IX, IY, IZ
1.7.2 Built-In Steel Section Library
This feature of the program allows the user to specify section
names of standard steel shapes manufactured in different
countries. Information pertaining to the American steel shapes is
available in section 2.
See section
2.2.1 and
For information on steel shapes for other countries, please refer to
the International Codes manual.
STAAD.Pro comes with the non-composite castellated beam tables
supplied by the steel products manufacturer SMI Steel Products.
Details of the manufacture and design of these sections may be
found at
Figure 1.32
Since the shear areas of the sections are built into the tables, shear
deformation is always considered for these sections.