Figure 4-3. Names window
If new SAMs are discovered by the appliance, the on-screen list will be automatically
updated. The mouse cursor will change into an hourglass during the update. No mouse or
keyboard input will be accepted until the list update is complete.
To assign names to target devices, complete the following steps:
1. In the Names window, select a target device name or port number and click Modify.
The Name Modify window opens.
Figure 4-4. Name Modify window
2. Type a name in the New Name field. Names of target devices can be up to 15 characters
long. Valid characters are A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9, space, and hyphen.
3. Click OK to transfer the new name to the Names window. The selection is not saved
until you click OK in the Names window.
4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for each target device in the switching system.
5. Click OK in the Names window to save the changes, or click X or press Escape to
exit without saving changes.
If a SAM has not been assigned a name, the eID is used as the default name. To list target
devices alphabetically by name, press Alt+N or click Name in the Main window.