CHAPTER 6: SNA (APPC) Printing
6. SNA (APPC) Printing
If you haven’t already installed the print-control utility, please go back and do so
now. Then proceed with the following instructions.
Configuring the Print Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6.1
Retrieving AS/400 Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 6.2
After you have completed the configuration of these protocols, go to Chapter 7 to
complete the print server’s setup. If the attached printer is an IPDS printer, you
will also need to go to Chapter 8.
6.1 Configuring the Print Server
After starting the print-control utility, select the desired print server from the
displayed list. The print servers are identified through their serial number and
network address. Both of these are unique to the specific print server and can be
found on the bottom of the print server as well as on the self-test print out.
Open the configuration dialog box by double clicking on the desired print server
or by highlighting the desired print server and then pressing the Configure button
displayed in the tool bar. Follow these simple steps to configure the print server for
SNA (APPC) printing.
1. Select SNA (APPC) by clicking on the white box in front of that selection.
2. The column titled “Object Information” will display the available
configuration parameters.
a. In the “Adapter Address” field, enter the Local adapter address found in
the AS/400’s line description. If the print server is attached to a remote
controller or gateway, enter the address of the Ethernet adapter of that
remote controller or gateway. Make sure to use the format specified in the
field (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX). Refer to Section 6.2.1 if you need help
locating this address on your AS/400.
b. In the “Host Network ID” field, enter the Local network ID found in the
AS/400’s network attributes listing. Refer to Section 6.2.2 if you need help
locating this information.
c. In the “Host Control Point Name” field, enter the Local control point
name found in the AS/400’s network attributes listing.