CHAPTER 7: Twinax/Coax Configuration
&%2B D2 04 29 00 0F&%
Then, to change printing back to 10 CPI, enter:
&%2B D2 04 29 00 0A&%
Only characters from 00 to FF are recognized (alphabetical characters must be in
upper case). Errors in the Command Pass-Thru sequence will cause the Print Box
to ignore the command and printing will resume at the point the error occurred.
Command Pass-Thru may invalidate horizontal spacing. Although the command is
displayed on the screen, the Print Box treats it as a command and it is not printed.
If part of the sequence is printed, an error has been made while entering the
codes. Check the document and make sure you are using the correct format and
EBCDIC hexadecimal characters.
Avoid sending codes that would move the print position during Command Pass-
Thru. Since the Print Box does not process these commands, it cannot keep track
of the print position changes, and this may affect the position of following
characters and page layout.
Black Box Command Pass-Thru strings can also be sent to the printer by typing
them on the ASCII or IBM host screen and pressing the print screen key.