
h. Command Pass-Thru: Command Pass-Thru (CPT) is a useful feature that
allows access to printer features that may not be available through the
standard ASCII driver. When using CPT, printer-specific commands are
sent with the print data from the host. The commands are in EBCDIC hex
format and are flagged with the CPT identifiers &%. When the print
server receives CPT commands, it will not attempt to interpret them, but
will “pass the command through” to the printer. The options are No and
Yes (default).
5. If there are any other configuration changes you wish to make, do so. Then
click on the Apply Changes button and reset the print server to complete the
7.4 Command Pass-Through
The Black Box Command Pass-Thru (CPT) feature can be used to access all of the
built-in features of a SCS or SCS/DSC printer, even if those features are not
normally available through the ASCII host software, especially if you must use a
generic print driver (such as in Windows). Printer-specific command sequences are
inserted into the data sent to the twinax or 3270-coax non-IPDS printer from the
host. The Print Box recognizes these special sequences and “passes the command
through” to the printer. The steps below describe how to use Command Pass-Thru.
1. Find the command for the print feature in the printer’s manual.
2. Convert the printer command to EBCDIC hexadecimal.
3. Place the Command Pass-Thru delimiter &% into the document at the point
where the feature is to take effect. This signals the start of the print feature.
Enter the printer command in EBCDIC hexadecimal code, then enter the
delimiter &% again. You may enter a space between hexadecimal code pairs
to make the command easier to read; however, do not put spaces between the
delimiter and the hexadecimal characters.
4. To change the print feature back, move the cursor to the point in the text
where the print feature is to be changed. Enter the delimiter, the new printer
command, and then the delimiter again.
For example:
2B D2 04 29 00 0F is the command in EBCDIC hexadecimal code for 15 CPI
printing on printers supporting this feature. 2B D2 04 29 00 0A is the
command in hexadecimal for 10 CPI printing. So, to begin 15 CPI printing,
enter the command as follows: