d. In the “Interface Control Point Name” field, enter a name for the print
server. Make sure the name complies with the following requirements:
1) The name must be exactly 8 characters.
2) The name must start with a alphanumeric character (i.e. A–Z).
3) The name must consist of alphanumeric (a–z, A–Z) or numeric
(0–9) characters only. Spaces, underscores, slashes, etc., are not
4) The first four characters should uniquely identify the device, since
the print server will automatically create printer devices on your
AS/400 using the first four characters of the name you assigned to
the print server followed by PRTXX.
3. If you want to configure additional protocols, refer to the respective section.
If your configuration of the print server is complete, click on the Apply
Changes button on the bottom of the configuration window. Then Exit the
4. The print server will now automatically create the following devices on you
a. APPC Controller with the name you assigned as the “Interface Control
Point.” This step will be omitted if the print server is attached to a 5494
b. 5494 Controller with the first five characters of the “Interface Control
Point” name followed by the identifier RMT.
c. A printer device for every printer that was attached to the print server at
the time the new configuration was sent to the print server or when the
print server was last reset. Names for the printer devices are actually given
by the AS/400 system and follow this format:
ABCD are the first four characters of the “Interface Control Point” name.
PRT is a fixed identifier for printers.