D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 3.0 Points EN | 103
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
P### Relay
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Selection: 0 to 8
Use this option to activate a relay when the point is
faulted. Refer to Table 28.
Relays do not activate for Fire
Supervisory or Non-Fire Supervisory
Table 28: P### Relay Codes/Relays
Faults Relay
Relay Code
D8129 on
Zonex Bus 2
for D9412GV3*
D8129 on
Zonex Bus 1
for D7412GV3*
1 73 9
2 74 10
3 75 11
4 76 12
5 77 13
6 78 14
7 79 15
8 80 16
* Address setting = 1 (on), 2 (off), 3 (on), 4 (on)
Do not assign a relay to Invisible points.
To avoid activating one of the associated
relays, program this prompt
as 0.
Two relays can activate when this point
enters into alarm if the P## Relay
Response Type for this point is
Use these codes to activate relays on the
D8129 OctoRelay (or C8137 Transmitter
Interface). You can assign the same code
to several points providing a summary
zone alarm output. When the point enters
into alarm, the relay activates. When the
alarm is acknowledged and is no longer
scrolling in the keypad display, the relay
P### Point Text
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Up to sixteen alphanumeric
Enter alphabetic characters (A to Z) in capital letters.
Enter up to sixteen characters of text to describe the
point. This point text is shown at keypads, if the point
is programmed as visible, and sent to the D6500 or
D6600 when transmitting in Modem IIIa
format (if it is
a reporting point).
Include the point number in custom point text. This
helps the user when viewing events, creating
bypasses, and so on. It can also simplify