D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 Panel and Area Wide Parameters EN | 48
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
Parameter Setup Requirement:
Two Man Rule can be completed only by entering
two valid unique passcodes with L## Passcode
Disarm authority.
To avoid unintended results for the end
user of the system:
Set CC# Scope to Area Wide for
keypads assigned to areas with the
Two Man Rule feature.
Avoid setting the A# Two Man Rule
to Yes in an area where A# Early
Ambush is set to Yes.
Use this feature in banks or other facilities
that might require a higher level of
security to gain access to a vault or other
protected area.
D1255 Keypad
After the first valid passcode is entered, the D1255
replaces the scrolling DISARM NOW and the Point
Text display with the SECOND CODE:.display
When the user presses the first digit of the second
code, the display changes to SECOND CODE: *.
SECOND CODE: appears for 19 sec. If no digits are
pressed, the display returns to normal and the area
does not disarm. If a second code is entered, the
area disarms and an Opening report is sent with the
User ID of the first user. If the second code entered is
the same as the first code, is invalid, or does not
have L## Disarm authority, the keypad shows NO
AUTHORITY and returns to idle text or entry delay.
D1260 Keypad
In the D1260, after the first valid passcode is entered,
the following message appears for 3 sec.
Then the next message appears requesting a second
When the first digit of the second code is pressed,
the following message appears. As each digit is
pressed, an additional asterisk appears.
A# Early Ambush
Default: No
Yes or No
Yes Two valid passcodes are required to
disarm the area within the time period
specified in Early Ambush Timer. The
second valid disarm passcode must
be entered within a time limit. Refer
to Early Ambush Timer on page
If the second passcode is not entered
within the time limit, the system
generates a Duress Event based
upon the primary user.
No A single passcode with a valid
authority level can disarm the area.
The Early Ambush disarming feature is intended for
use when you disarm an area that is in the Master
Armed state, but it can also be used with the
Perimeter and Instant Armed states. After the first
valid passcode is entered, the area is disarmed and
the keypad displays the disarmed idle text normally.
This function operates only when you use Passcode
If the second valid disarm passcode is entered, the
D1255 Keypad shows CODE 2 VALIDATE and
sounds the Watch Mode tone. Only the Watch Mode
tone appears on the D720 Keypad.
The D1260 Keypad sounds the Watch Mode tone
and the following text appears.