D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 5.0 AUXPARM EN | 136
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
This item determines whether the NIM is supervised.
If the NIM is supervised, disconnecting it from the
control panel creates a Trouble SDI 88 Event and the
keypad annunciates a trouble tone and displays
Supervise SDI 92
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Supervise the network interface
module (NIM) at SDI address 92.
Do not supervise the network
interface module (NIM) at SDI
address 92.
This item determines whether the NIM is supervised.
If the NIM is supervised, disconnecting it from the
control panel creates a Trouble SDI 92 Event and the
keypad annunciates a trouble tone and displays
Trouble SDI 88 or SDI 92 Reports are
always reported using the account
number for Area 1.
5.7 Route Group Parameters
The RG # Same Network Receiver parameters define
whether a primary and backup network receiver
configured within a Route Group are the same
receiver. This is required to ensure that the
authentication keys from the control panel to receiver
are the same when the paths to the receiver use
different IP Addresses or Port Numbers. These
parameters also enable the backup path poll time to
change to the primary poll time in the event of a
Communication Trouble condition. This operates
when the following conditions apply:
Both primary and backup devices use
enhanced communication via an SDI device.
Both primary and backup path destinations
are the same receiver that can be accessed
from more than one network such as on a
LAN/WAN and over the Internet (even if they
have different IP/port settings).
Either the primary or the backup path (not
both) has a Communication Trouble
RG# Same Network Receiver
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
The control panel uses the same
authentication keys to communicate
with both the primary and backup
paths that are the same receiver and
upon detection of a Communication
Trouble on either the primary or
backup enhanced communication
paths, the working path immediately
changes to the faster poll rate.
The control panel uses separate
authentication keys to communicate
with the primary and backup
receivers and upon detection of a
Communication Trouble on either the
primary or backup enhanced
communication paths, the working
path continues to use its configured
poll rate.
For Example: This would be used when a DX4020 is
reporting to a receiver over a LAN/ WAN and a ITS-
DX4020-G is reporting to the same receiver over the
Internet from the cellular service provider. This
configuration also typically has the poll rate for the
ITS-DX4020-G set to a slower poll rate than the
primary such as every 4 hours.
In the above example, if there is a
Communication Trouble Condition on the
DX4020, then the ITS-DX4020-G will poll
at the configured poll rate of the DX4020.
If the poll rate of the DX4020 is set to 5
minutes or faster, there is a possibility of
excessive data usage that may exceed
your data plan with the cellular service
provider. Be sure that any
Communication Trouble events are
addressed as soon as possible.