D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 3.0 Points EN | 93
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
P## Entry Tone Off
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Disables the entry delay tone when
this perimeter point is faulted.
This is intended for use with points
set to P## Type 1 (Perimeter).
A tone sounds at keypads when this
point starts entry delay.
This option enables and disables the entry delay
warning tone for this point.
Do not set points to No if they are actually
used to notify the user to disarm the
system. The possibility of false alarms
increases if the entry delay warning is not
Entry Tone can also be turned off when
programming your CC Entry Tone, in
Section 2.9 Keypad (Command Center)
on page 50, that allows you to manage
the tone by keypad.
You might want to disable the entry tone
in high security applications where you do
not want to annunciate entry delay.
P## Silent Bell
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Activate the Silent Alarm Relay when
this point enters into alarm. Keypads
do not sound the alarm tone for Non-
fire points.
Activate either the Fire Bell relay or
Alarm Bell relay and sound the alarm
tone at keypads when this point
enters into alarm. If this is a Fire
point, it activates the Fire Bell relay
programmed in Relay Parameters.
Otherwise, it activates the Alarm Bell
relay. The amount of time and
pattern of the relay activation is
programmed by area in Bell
To meet UL 864 requirements, set this
parameter to No.
If you want this point to ring the bell
because the message failed to reach the
central station receiver, program P##
Audible After 2 Failures as Yes.
P## Ring Until Restored
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
The relay programmed to provide
fire alarm output for this point cannot
be de-activated until the point
restores to normal.
The relay programmed to provide
fire alarm output for this point can be
de-activated before the point
restores to normal.
Use this option to determine if the bell continues to
ring until the Fire Bell time expires. The point returns
to a normal condition when the user acknowledges
the alarm to silence the bell.
If the point restores and the fire alarm is
not silenced from the keypad, the fire
alarm output continues until Fire Bell time
expires. If the point does not restore, the
fire alarm output continues even after bell
time expires.
Use this option for fire applications to
meet the requirement that audible alarms
cannot be silenced until the fault condition
clears or the Fire Bell time expires.
P## Audible After 2 Failures
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
A# Burg Alarm relay activates after
two failed attempts.
P## Silent points do not cause the
A# Burg Alarm relay to activate even
if the report does not get to the
central station receiver.
When set to Yes, if the report fails to reach the
central station after two attempts, a silent alarm rings
the A## Burg Alarm bell. A silent alarm is generated
when a point with P## Silent set to Yes is faulted
while armed.