A list of different key types is given. For more information on any key type
contained in the list:
• Click on the required key type in the list.
An on-screen page with the requested information will appear.
This gives information on all options contained in the menu bar. This
covers the ‘File’, ‘Edit’, ‘Settings’ and ‘Help’ menus. To access the ‘Com-
mands’ help facility:
• Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Commands’.
A list of file menu groups is given. For more information on any menu
group contained in the list:
• Click on the required menu group in the list.
A list of options in the selected menu group is given. For more information
on any option contained in the list:
• Click on the required option in the list.
An on-screen page with the requested information will appear.
This gives information on how to use the Intercom software.
To access the ‘Procedures’ help facility:
• Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Procedures’.
A list of topics is given. For more information on any topic contained
in the list:
• Click on the required topic in the list.
A list of options for the selected topic is given. For more information on
any option contained in the list:
• Click on the required option in the list.
An on-screen page with the requested information will appear.
Intercom Digital Congress Network
Software User Manual Page 2-6