
To select a delegate, chairman or interpreter to receive the special
intercom link:
Click on the name in the list.
Making the link - once you have made a selection in the ‘From:’ list box
and the ‘To:’ list box, the arrow-shaped ‘Link’ push button, situated
between the two list boxes, becomes active. To make the link:
Click on the ‘Link’ push button.
A special intercom link is made. The entry selected in the ‘From’ list box is
removed and inserted in the ‘Special Links’ list box under the ‘From’ col-
umn. The entry selected in the ‘To’ list box is de-selected (but not removed)
and appears in the ‘Special Links’ list box under the ‘To’ column.
Deleting special intercom links - to delete a special intercom link:
Select an entry in the ‘Special Links’ list box.
Click on the ‘Delete’ push button.
The special link will be deleted. The person that the link came from will be
re-inserted at the appropriate position in the ‘From’ list box.
When you have finished setting up special links:
Click on the ‘OK’ push button.
You will return to the main window.
Digital Congress Network Intercom
Page 3-15 Software User Manual