11 inches. If you are using A4-size paper, set this switch ON; this sets the page
length to 12 inches.
DIP switch 4DIP switch 4
When this switch is OFF, the printer uses Character Set 1. When this switch is
ON; the printer uses Charater Set 2.
DIP switches 5, 6, 7DIP switches 5, 6, 7
These switches allow you to select the following code page tables.
DIP switches
Character set 5 6 7
850 (Multilingual) OFF OFF ON
850 (Multilingual) OFF ON OFF
850 (Multilingual) ON OFF ON
850 (Multilingual) ON ON OFF
860 (Portuguese) ON ON ON
863 (French Canadian) OFF ON ON
865 (Norwegian) ON OFF OFF
To see the samples of the character sets available with each code page table, use
Canon's toll-free fax retrieval system. Call the Canon help desk and request the
fax retrieval system; then request the BJ-200ex Printer Command Summary.
DIP switch 8DIP switch 8
When this switch is OFF, the printer performs a normal line feed. Set this to ON if
you want the printer to perform a carriage return after each line feed (LF + CR).
DIP switch 9DIP switch 9
Set this switch ON to enable Alternate Graphics Mode (AGM). In this mode, the
printer accepts high-resolution, 24-dot, all-points-addressable (APA) graphics
commands similar to those used with conventional 24-pin printers.
DIP switch 10DIP switch 10
When this switch is OFF, the printer allocates the entire buffer space (62 KB) to
the input buffer. When you are using downloaded fonts, change this switch to
ON; the printer will allocate 41 KB of buffer space for downloaded fonts.
DIP switch 11DIP switch 11
When this switch is OFF, the printer is in BJ-10 mode. When this switch is ON,
the printer is in Epson LQ mode.
DIP switch 12DIP switch 12
Set this switch ON to enable automatic emulation switching mode. In this mode,
the priter detects whether the codes being sent are BJ-10 mode or Epson LQ
mode. It then selects the printer control mode to match the printer driver selected
in the MS-DOS application.
When DIP switch 12 is OFF, the printer control mode is set by DIP switch 11
(OFF selects BJ-10 mode, ON selects Epson LQ mode).
Automatic emulation mode is applicable for MS-DOS applications only. When
you are using Windows, the BJ-200ex printer driver for Windows selects the
appropriate control mode regardless of the settings of DIP switches 11 and 12.