setting reduces the resolution to improve your application's
processing time. Use this setting to print draft copies of your
§ Normal (center) - Use this mode for your best quality text and
simple graphics. The printer prints at a resolution of 360 x 360
§ Fine (right position) - Use this mode to intensify the printed
image. The printer prints at 360 x 360 dpi but makes multiple
passes as it prints; this produces very high quality but is
slower than normal HQ mode. If you need very high quality
print or are having problems with banding, try this selection.
§ Smoothing (check box) - Use this mode to print at the highest
resolution, 720 x 360 dpi. You can select Smoothing with
Normal only.
Orientation option
Click on the Orientation setting you want to use:
The page orientation determines the direction of printing on
the page:
Other selections
§ Click on Options to access the special options provided by the
BJ-200ex printer driver for Windows. These options are
discussed in the next section.
§ Click on About to display copyright information regarding the
Windows driver and its version number.
§ Click on Help to enter the Help program. This program
provides information to help you specify your printer settings.
Special Options
The BJ-200ex printer driver for Windows provides several
special options. From the Canon BJ-200ex Setup dialog
box, click on the Options button.