
between the ink cartridge and the holder.
Perform the print head cleaning procedure
described in Chapter 6, Maintaining the Printer.
If cleaning the print head does not resolve the
problem, your ink cartridge my be out of ink.
Replace the ink cartridge and try printing again.
Overall printing
is slow from
Smoothing mode may be
Disable the Smoothing mode.
High Quality mode may be
Try turning off HQ mode via the operator panel.
Overall printing
is slow from
The Print Manager my be
turned on.
Make sure the Print Manager is turned off.
Print options may be too
In the Windows driver or your software application, set all
print options to their defaults.
See page 75 for ways to improve speed.
Printing Problems
If you are having printing problems, check the problems
and solutions in the following table.
Problem Cause Solution
Data from
printed, but is
not what you
There may be a communication
problem between the printer and
your computer.
Check the computer or the application to see if the
host is configured correctly: printer port, printer
driver, print manager.
Cable connections may not be
Check that your cable connections are secure.
NOTENOTE: Make sure your interface cable is no
longer than 6.6 feet. Avoid useing A/B
switch boxes or switch boxes that have a
total cable length of more than 6.6 feet.
Printer control mode may not
match the printer device.
Check that the printer control mode (BJ-10 or Epson
LQ) matches the printer driver you selected.
Previous software settings may not
be cleared.
Check that the printer was cleared of the previous
software settings before the print job started.
characters do not
match characters
on the screen.
Many graphics characters and
special symbols are produced by
different ASCII codes according to
the type of printer and computer
being used.
Set the correct character table and printer control
mode using the printer's DIP switches. For details on
character sets, contact the Canon fax retrieval system
and request the BJ-200ex Printer Command
Printing beyond
edge of page.
Paper may not be aligned correctly
in sheet feeder.
Make sure the paper is aligned correctly in the sheet
Software settings may be
Check the software setting for the right margin.
DIP switch 1 may be set
Check the setting of DIP switch 1. This DIP switch
controls the horizontal print position:
§ For Letter size paper, set it to OFF.